The Key Differences Between Gynecomastia vs. Psuedogynecomastia

The Key Differences Between Gynecomastia vs. Psuedogynecomastia

Pseudogynecomastia and Gynecomastia: What’s the main difference?

 pseudogynecomastia and gynecomastia

Psuedogynecomastia and gynecomastia are separated by only a few key differences among males. In both cases, there is excess fat or swollen tissue present in the chest region, leading to the appearance of breasts. Males of any age can develop either condition, but newborns, teens, and seniors are most susceptible.

There is no difference in the appearance of breasts between patients with gynecomastia and those with pseudogynecomastia, but the type of tissue differentiates them. There is a number of potential causes of gynecomastia, which is characterized by excessive glandular and stromal tissue. In addition, pseudogynecomastia can be caused by excessive amounts of fat tissue.

There is no medical risk involved with either condition, however, many patients experience emotional distress due to gynecomastia or pseudogynecomastia, as well as issues with self-esteem and shame as a result of showing their bodies. In some cases, gynecomastia may indicate a more serious medical problem, so patients should also consult their general practitioner about possible causes. It is always best to check, even though this is a rare occurrence.

How to Understand Pseudogynecomastia

Patient with pseudogynecomastia but not gynecomastia

The condition of pseudogynecomastia is characterized by excess adipose (fat) tissue around, under, and behind the nips. In spite of the word “pseudo”, or something false or masked, “fake gynecomastia” is a very real disorder that can cause physical and psychological difficulties for some men. These physical and psychological issues are common to both pseudogynecomastia vs gynecomastia

Symptoms of Pseudogynecomastia

An appearance of bilateral enlarged breasts on the chest with excess fat.

The only thing that will feel firm is the excess fatty tissue below the chest.

The appearance of fat accumulation around the armpit region.

Pseudogynecomastia Causes

Obesity – Pseudogynecomastia is more straightforward, as it is a result of excess fat. Pseudogynecomastia occurs when a patient has excess chest fat deposition, and this shows up as enlarged breasts.

Treating Pseudogynecomastia

Weight loss is the first line of treatment for pseudogynecomastia. With the loss of body fat, your chest will also tend to become smaller. The majority of men lose weight and shape their chests through a combination of diet changes and increased exercise. Compression shirts are worn by some men to achieve the appearance of a leaner and flatter chest while they are losing weight. Even if a man reaches his goal weight, he may still experience pseudogynecomastia. Depending on the amount of residual fatty tissue and whether there is loose skin, the treatment may vary.

To treat pseudogynecomastia the fat deposits can be removed by liposuction alone or greatly improved by weight loss. In addition to liposuction of the residual fat, reducing (removing) a skin component may also be required to tighten the skin. Where the incision is placed will be determined by how much loose skin is present. Additionally, the areola is also reshaped to conform to the new chest contour. Many patients are concerned with the appearance and embarrassment of the areola (the darkly pigmented skin surrounding the nipple). The difference of treatment between pseudogynecomastia vs gynecomastia is liposuction.

How to Understand Gynecomastia

A man with gynecomastia and not pseudogynecomastia

Pseudogynecomastia and gynecomastia differ primarily in the kind of excess breast tissue seen that causes them to appear enlarged and feminine. A male chest area with male breast enlargement will have excess glandular breast tissue (and possibly fat tissue as well). In comparison to fat tissue, the glandular tissue of the breast is firmer and more fibrous, and it does not respond to changes in diet or exercise. A hormonal imbalance is usually responsible for symptoms; however, certain medications (e.g., steroids) and illegal substances, such as marijuana, may also be responsible. These are the primary differences between pseudogynecomastia vs gynecomastia.

Symptoms of Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia symptoms include the following:

  • Breast appearance with excess glandular tissue
  • Nipples that are swollen or puffy
  • Breast pain or tenderness in the areola
  • There is a lump or disc of glandular tissue in the chest that is firm and hard to the touch
  • A soft, fatty tissue may be present beneath the chest
  • Sensitivity to touch or breast tenderness

Causes of gynecomastia

Hormones – Changes in hormone levels are frequently responsible for the development of gynecomastia. It can occur in a variety of ways. In newborn children with this condition, gynecomastia is caused by estrogen being passed onto the baby via the placenta. In general, hormone-induced gynecomastia in infants resolves over time. Puberty causes teenagers to undergo hormonal changes, and sometimes their testosterone levels drop so low that existing estrogen causes breast tissue to grow. Finally, older adult males are more likely to develop gynecomastia due to a decreased production of testosterone as a result of aging.

Medications – In certain cases, specific medications can contribute to the development of gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is more likely to occur in patients taking antidepressants, steroids, or medications for heart conditions, ulcers, or prostate issues. Antibiotics can also cause problems. In the event that medication contains estrogen or impacts estrogen levels, gynecomastia may result.

Alcohol and Liver Disease – Individuals who struggle with excessive alcohol consumption and suffer from cirrhosis are at higher risk of developing gynecomastia than their peers.

Thyroid issues: The thyroid gland, which is located in the throat, is a hormone-producing gland. Patients suffering from thyroid-related issues are occasionally affected by gynecomastia.

Narcotic Use: Narcotics, such as cannabis and heroin, are believed to be responsible for the development of gynecomastia.

Kidney failure – Gynecomastia can result from kidney failure although this is extremely rare. A physician should be consulted immediately if gynecomastia symptoms are present.

Testicular disease – Gynecomastia can occasionally indicate a serious testicular problem, including infection or cancer. Gynecomastia patients should seek medical attention if they experience various symptoms of testicular dysfunction.

Klinefelter syndrome – An extra X-chromosome is a characteristic of the Klinefelter syndrome. Gynecomastia can occur in patients with Klinefelter Syndrome.

For patients who are seeking treatment for their condition, it can be helpful to determine the source of their disease. There is a difference between gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia in terms of causes.

Gynecomastia may have a number of causes, while pseudogynecomastia has only one.

Gynecomastia Treatment

The best treatment option for true gynecomastia is male breasts reduction surgery or gynecomastia surgery to remove the glandular tissue. In the course of the operation, the gynecomastia surgeon performs surgical excision techniques in order to remove the glandular tissue; your plastic surgeon may also use liposuction to eliminate fat tissue. You can remove excess skin and tighten the remaining skin if necessary to attain the desired chest contour.

The approach to treatment is typically performed by creating a small incision around the areola. Due to the small incision size and location, noticeable postoperative scarring is rarely a problem. The operative goal is to treat gynecomastia so the chest is contoured to a natural flat shape.

 How to Know if You Have Gynecomastia or Pseudogynecomastia


Self exam of gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia

Gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia are both relatively easy to diagnose. Both of these conditions show up as excess tissue that appears breast-like on the chest. Gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia are often recognized early on and cause men to harbor insecurity about their appearance.

Furthermore, these conditions are associated with other, less-recognized symptoms as well. In addition to the recognizable chest tissues, both gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia have a number of symptoms that may confirm the diagnosis.

The pinch test is a common self-exam that you can perform to evaluate the tissue.

How Do I Treat Pseudogynecomastia?

How Do I Treat Pseudogynecomastia?

Pseudogynecomastia in Singapore

Men are creatures of vanity too. So when their chest looks flabby due to excess fat, more often than not, they resort to the Internet for answers. But beware for the search result could be misleading, albeit unintentionally. Gynecomastia could be a potential cause but bear in mind, it is not so for all cases. Sometimes it is more likely to be “pseudogynecomastia” – a condition brought on by excess fat.

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is mainly caused by hormonal imbalance, which is the result of excess estrogen being produced. Changes surrounding sexual development in teenage boys and health issues such as thyroid problems common among men in their 50s and above are some of the causes of this hormonal imbalance. The side effects of some medications are also potential causes.

There are 4 grades when it comes to classifying gynecomastia. The mildest being a local swelling around the nipple area while the most severe is in the form of a rounded appearance akin to the features of a female breast.

What is Pseudogynecomastia?

In men, the fat tends to accumulate in the chest and abdomen areas. Fat amassed around the chest area usually results in a puffy or swollen appearance clinically known as lipomastia, adipomastia, or pseudogynecomastia.

When the body produces excess estrogen, the more the likelihood that excess fat will be stored. Fat also causes the body to produce the aromatase enzyme. This enzyme converts testosterone into estrogen and is responsible for slowing down metabolism, which slows down the body’s ability to burn fat – you will lose fat but in a lesser amount. If not addressed, this can lead to more fat being stored, causing an imbalance to the body’s hormone level.

What causes Pseudogynecomastia?

Although it may appear like gynecomastia – pseudogynecomastia is actually the accumulation of excess breast fat. Nonetheless, the term “pseudo” should not be waved off lightly as the condition is a real problem for men.

What is the difference between Gynecomastia and Pseudogynecomastia?

On the surface, both conditions seem alike in terms of appearance. Gynecomastia, however, is caused by the overdevelopment of glandular tissues. Pseudogynecomastia, on the other hand, is the result of only excess fat accumulated around the chest area.

There are simple self-check methods that one can carry out. For example, if you feel the presence of a firm mound of glandular tissue around the areola area, which is painful to the touch, then chances are you might have gynecomastia. In the case of pseudogynecomastia, the entire chest area is evenly enlarged. 

Commonly, An individual can have both gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia.

It is important to note that only a doctor via a clinical assessment is able to confirm the condition. Not all doctors can diagnose if a patient may or may not have gynecomastia. It is important to look for a doctor with experience in handling gynecomastia cases to identify. 

Can I just wear a compression garment to manage my condition?

A compression garment does work – in terms of appearance. The underlying issue has to be addressed appropriately, and the first step is to schedule an appointment with a qualified doctor who is in the best position to advise on the necessary measures.

Treatment for Pseudogynecomastia: VASER® Lipo

A fat and weight loss program involving specific exercises and a change in dietary habits may help reduce or relieve pseudogynecomastia to a certain extent but to completely eradicate this issue is via clinically proven fat reduction procedure such as Vaser Liposuction, which effectively addresses the issue and remove excess fat in the problematic area.

What is VASER Lipo?

VASER (Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance) Lipo is a less invasive form of liposuction. Like liposuction, it eliminates unwanted fat, but it does so in a gentler manner by using sound energy to liquefy unwanted fat cells in targeted areas. VASER Lipo targets areas with unwanted fat, leaving surrounding tissues undisturbed. The result is a more contoured and defined appearance.

How does VASER Lipo treat pseudogynecomastia?

As pseudogynecomastia is the result of an accumulation of excess fat, VASER® Lipo due to its prescribed function and precised capability, is ideal in treating the condition. Additionally, it leaves a more defined and natural-looking appearance.

How Do I Know If I Have Pseudogynecomastia?

How Do I Know If I Have Pseudogynecomastia?

Do I have Pseudogynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is common among adolescent boys and middle-aged, including older men. Hormonal imbalance, medication side effects and declining testosterone levels are the usual suspects.

Pseudogynecomastia, on the other hand, can happen to men regardless of age group. This condition is usually brought on by the presence of excess fat primarily in the chest area. However, due to their similarity in appearance – the best method of confirmation is via a doctor’s assessment.

Low Metabolism & Body Fat

Poor dietary habits and lifestyle choices easily contribute to a host of issues, including weight gain and the accumulation of excess fat. Excess fat often results in slower metabolism and testosterone levels and the production of aromatase. The aromatase enzyme converts testosterone to estrogen.

Men produce estrogen, albeit at a lower level compared to women. When a man’s body produces excess estrogen, the more the likelihood that excess fat will be stored. An area where this excess is usually more prevalent would be that of the chest or breast. This is what commonly causes pseudogynecomastia.

When the body produces excess estrogen, the more the likelihood that excess fat will be stored. Fat also causes the body to produce the aromatase enzyme. This enzyme converts testosterone into estrogen and is responsible for slowing down metabolism, which slows down the body’s ability to burn fat – you will lose fat but in lesser amounts. If not addressed, this can lead to more fat being stored causing an imbalance to the body’s hormone level.

An increased estrogen level in men also results in loss of muscle mass, fatigue and mood swings.

Low Testosterone

Low testosterone levels cause an increase in fat storage as the body’s fat-burning capability is reduced. This results in weight gain and the production of excess estrogen. One common sign of low testosterone sign is a decrease in libido. Frequent fatigue is also a sign in men.

Do I have Pseudogynecomastia?

There are simple self-check methods that one can carry out. For example:

• Appearance: Does your chest area look evenly enlarged?
• Excess fat: Is your exercise or workout routine not addressing the excess fat around the chest?
• Pain: Is it painful or does the area around the areolas when touched? (this could be a sign of gynecomastia)

The above list is not confirmation indicators. A trip to the doctor’s for a qualified assessment is highly recommended. Do take note that it is possible for an individual to suffer from both gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia.

How do I know if I have Gynecomastia or Pseudogynecomastia?

How do I know if I have Gynecomastia or Pseudogynecomastia?

How do I know if I have Gynecomastia or Pseudogynecomastia?

Gynecomastia affects 40-60% of adolescent males, making it a relatively common condition. Despite being so, it is not an openly discussed issue for the most part due to its “embarrassing nature” – a stigma that often overshadows its true and at times urgent medical condition. An individual should not feel discouraged from seeking help, as it can be a much-needed relief.

Gynecomastia is brought on by hormonal imbalance. The causes vary, which includes genetics and from the side effects of taking steroids for bodybuilding and medications for medical conditions. The latter includes medications for heart, stomach and even mental issues. One interesting fact to note and remember – it is not a condition that is associated only with an obese person. Any male with predispositions as mentioned – such as genetics and medicine consumption habit/need is susceptible to the condition.

How do you know if you have gynecomastia?

Pain or tenderness, which may increase over time and swelling are just two possible telltale signs of gynecomastia. To the touch, it feels like a rubbery lump under the nipple affecting one or both. Indicative appearance includes a resemblance to that of a woman’s breasts. 

Often, gynecomastia is confused with the expected presence of fat tissue, particularly among young men who are overweight. Hence, an accurate diagnosis and conclusion are best left in the hands of a qualified doctor.

How do you know if it’s Pseudogynecomastia?

An individual may conclude that given the possible telltale signs, they are suffering from gynecomastia. It could be a wrong assumption. They could, in reality, be experiencing what is known as pseudogynecomastia. Men, in general, tend to accumulate fat in the chest and abdomen regions. When this fat accumulates in excess around the chest area, it renders a puffy and swollen appearance which is called pseudogynecomastia. 

Does Pseudogynecomastia go away?

Pseudogynecomastia is breasts enlargement caused by fat accumulation.  In theory, the male breasts fat tissues can be improved with exercise and weight loss.  However, in many patients, male breasts fat can be rather resistant to weight fluctuation, so losing weight may not lead to significant improvement.   

Can VASER Lipo get rid of pseudogynecomastia successfully?

VASER Lipo, a tissue selective fat reduction procedure, is the treatment choice for those suffering from pseudogynecomastia.  During the process, small incisions are made on the area to be treated and infiltrated with anaesthetic fluid. Subsequently,  I utilise the Vaser probe that transmits ultrasonic sound wave energy to the targeted fat tissues to emulsify the stubborn fat.  Once the fat cells are liquefied, they are removed via suction cannulas that are specially made for this procedure.   

As VASER Lipo is tissue selective, it only targets fat tissues, preserving the health of nerves, blood vessels and other important connective tissues.  Therefore, post-treatment recovery is easy with minimal downtime because only the fat tissues are targeted and removed.  Bruising and swelling are minimised with this procedure. 

As a proven clinical treatment for pseudogynecomastia, many men have benefited from its results. While this is certainly good news for those afflicted with the condition, bear in mind to practise due diligence in one’s research when seeking help.

Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia: Side Effect of Pseudogynecomastia Treatment from Fat Freezing

Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia: Side Effect of Pseudogynecomastia Treatment from Fat Freezing

Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia

For those who are considering fat freezing to treat pseudogynecomastia, please consider the side effect of the treatment such as Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia, hardening of fat areas.

If you have gynecomastia, you’ll feel a firm concentration of tissue around the nipple area in the form of a disk, with or without pain when it’s touch or squeezed. The effective treatment to deal with gynecomastia is surgical removal of the overly developed glandular and fat tissue. Gynecomastia surgery is the only answer to rectify this medical condition.

With pseudogynecomastia, no such ring is formed as fat tissue on palpation is somewhat loose and not firm. Pseudogynecomastia, to a certain extent, can be rectified with regular exercise and a healthier diet. However, there are also treatment options available and one of the options seek is cryolipolysis.

Cryolipolysis, also known as Fat Freezing, is thriving as a non-invasive fat reduction treatment option. It works by gently and efficiently targeting fat cells underneath the skin via targeted and controlled cooling technology. The fat cells are frozen and naturally metabolised by the body. It does this without affecting the skin itself.

Its non-invasive nature is amongst its many benefits and the primary reason for its preference among those seeking to reduce body fat. Additionally, the treatment can be performed on multiple parts of the body which increases its capacity.

Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia: Permanent Side Effects Of Fat Freezing Treatments

Cryolipolysis’ success is well-realised by many, but there are those who have encountered its side effect known as “Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia.” Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia is a side effect where hardened area of fat develops after cryolipolysis. Those affected will notice their treated areas getting larger and tender. Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia has also been observed to develop more commonly among male patients.

While the occurrence is rare, it is not uncommon. Unfortunately, Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia, once developed, is permanent and can only be treated with liposuction.

I still remember another patient who suffered from Paradoxical Adipose Hyperplasia who came with his father for consultation not too long ago. During the consultation, his father mentioned that he was distraught with guilt since his son developed this condition a few years ago, as he was the one that brought him for the fat freezing treatment. His son suffered from depression after that. He blamed himself ever since.

VASER Lipo: Effective Treatment for Pseudogynecomastia

As pseudogynecomastia is the result of an accumulation of excess fat, VASER Lipo due to its prescribed function and capability, is effective in treating the condition. Additionally, it leaves a more defined and natural-looking appearance.


What Are My Options For Treating Pseudogynecomastia?

What Are My Options For Treating Pseudogynecomastia?

 Pseudogynecomastia Treatment Options

 Pseudogynecomastia Treatment Options

Gynecomastia is common among adolescent boys and middle-aged, including older men. Hormonal imbalance, medication side effects and declining testosterone levels are the usual suspects.

Pseudogynecomastia, on the other hand, can happen to men regardless of age group. This condition is usually brought on by the presence of excess fat primarily in the chest area. However, due to their similarity in appearance – the best method of confirmation is via a doctor’s assessment.

What is Gynecomastia and Pseudogynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is caused by hormonal imbalance, which is the result of excess estrogen being produced. Changes surrounding sexual development in teenage boys and health issues such as thyroid problems common among men in their 50s and above are some of the causes of this hormonal imbalance. The side effects of some medications can also potentially be a cause.

In men, the fat tends to accumulate in the chest and abdomen areas. Fat amassed around the chest area usually results in a puffy or swollen appearance clinically known as lipomastia, adipomastia, or pseudogynecomastia.


Low Metabolism and Body Fat

Poor dietary habits and lifestyle choices easily contribute to a host of issues, including weight gain and the accumulation of excess fat. Excess fat often results in slower metabolism and testosterone levels and the production of aromatase. The aromatase enzyme converts testosterone to estrogen.

Men produce estrogen, albeit at a lower level compared to women. When a man’s body produces excess estrogen, the more the likelihood that excess fat will be stored. An area where this excess is usually more prevalent would be that of the chest or breast. This is what commonly causes pseudogynecomastia.

When the body produces excess estrogen, the more the likelihood that excess fat will be stored. Fat also causes the body to produce the aromatase enzyme. This enzyme converts testosterone into estrogen and is responsible for slowing down metabolism, which slows down the body’s ability to burn fat – you will lose fat but in lesser amounts. If not addressed, this can lead to more fat being stored causing an imbalance to the body’s hormone level.

An increased estrogen level in men also results in loss of muscle mass, fatigue and mood swings.

Low Testosterone

Low testosterone levels cause an increase in fat storage as the body’s fat-burning capability is reduced. This results in weight gain and the production of excess estrogen. One common sign of low testosterone sign is a decrease in libido. Frequent fatigue is also a sign in men.

What is the difference between Gynecomastia and Pseudogynecomastia?

Both the male and female breasts are made up of glandular and fatty tissue. In gynecomastia cases, it is a proliferation of both types of tissue. As for pseudogynecomastia, it is usually the case of excess fatty tissue.

 Do I have Pseudogynecomastia?

 There are simple self-check methods that one can carry out. For example:

  • Appearance: Does your chest area look evenly enlarged?
  • Excess fat: Is your exercise or workout routine not addressing the excess fat around the chest?
  • Pain: Is it painful or does the area around the areolas when touched? (this could be a sign of gynecomastia)

The above list is not confirmation indicators. A trip to the doctor’s for a qualified assessment is highly recommended. Do take note that it is possible for an individual to suffer from both gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia.

Compression wear pseudogynecomastia

 Pseudogynecomastia treatment options

 There are options to select from, and these include:

  • Weight loss and exercise: Adopt a comprehensive programme that promotes both weight loss and healthy eating habits. These may consist of resistance training and a caloric deficit diet
  • Compression wear: Compression garment in the form of tops, for example, does help in terms of appearance and according to some, improving blood flow. Improved blood flow has been known to increase fat oxidation.
  • Liposuction: Liposuction is currently the proven clinical treatment for treating pseudogynecomastia. During this procedure, excess fat cells are removed. It is only to be performed by a qualified gynecomastia doctor. The costs may vary, depending on the patient’s clinical condition and complexity of the surgery.