Mill Valley, California – This is a 43 year old male who presents to the Novato, California office for evaluation of his adolescent gynecomastia. He noted increased prominence in his chest since about 14 years old and it has been persistent all his life. His goal is to just obtain a flat chest so that he can be comfortable without his shirt. He is 5 feet 11 inches, 196 pounds. He underwent gland excision and suction assisted lipectomy at Marin Cosmetic Surgery Center in Marin County, California. He had 72 grams of breast tissue removed from his right side and 31 grams of breast tissue removed from his left side. In addition to this he had 350 cc. of fat and aspirate removed from his left chest and 425 cc. from his right chest. He had an uncomplicated post operative course except he had some steroid injection for softening up his scar on his left side. His photographs are taken two months after surgery.