When The Bench Press Isn’t Enough To Reduce The Moobs

When The Bench Press Isn’t Enough To Reduce The Moobs

You probably love breasts, as long as you’re not the one sporting them. More and more men are lining up to get rid of their man boobs or “moobs.”

When The Bench Press Isn’t Enough To Reduce The Moobs

If those hours of cardio and bench-presses don’t seem to be helping, perhaps you might have a medical issue. Meet clinical gynecomastia, the enemy of every guy’s dream chest. It can result from a hormonal imbalance or elevated levels of estrogen and lowered levels of testosterone. It’s usually not a serious problem and may go away on its own.

However, if you think you have man-boobs gynecomastia and it continues to persist, you should visit a doctor. If it’s not your chest that’s bothering, it must be your gut. The trouble with trying to lose weight is the whole process can be pretty stressful when it’s not working out – and stress actually sparks cravings for carbohydrate-rich snack foods.

Despite your best efforts, areas such as the hips, buttocks, and thighs are more resistant to weight loss, which is usually more obvious on the face and upper body. In addition, fat can be unevenly distributed causing certain areas to be more out of proportion than others.

RELATED: Why Are Man-boobs Becoming More Common?

Gynecomastia, Body Builders, and Performance Enhancing Drugs

Gynecomastia, Body Builders, and Performance Enhancing Drugs

Gynecomastia, Body Builders, and Performance Enhancing Drugs. Body builders have almost no fat or excess skin, and therefore gynecomastia surgery takes a different approach than men with “true gynecomastia.” Their chest muscles are highly developed with increased blood flow, and therefore they have a higher risk of bleeding complications. All patients are warned to stop taking blood thinners before surgery and body builders need to be aware that they need to stop, protein shakes, fish oil and vitamin E, among many other products.

Developing muscle mass is so important to some men they are willing to take dangerous risks that can severely affect their health. It is illegal to use anabolic steroids for performance enhancement, but body builders have been using them for years. Steroids have many side effects such as lower sperm count, painful erections, impotence, and the development of breasts or gynecomastia.

To block estrogen, many men resort to taking estrogen blockers such as Tamoxifen. Tamoxifen will stop the development of breasts, but there is a price to pay. Tamoxifen is a prescription drug used for cancer treatment of the breasts, and although it is illegal to be prescribed as a performance enhancement drug, men can get it online and through social media. Estrogen blockers come with their own side effects including, leg cramps, hot flashes, blurred vision, depression, and more.

When seeking gynecomastia surgery, many competitive body builders request that their entire breast gland is removed to avoid regrowth of male breasts, allowing them to continue the use of steroids. Dr. Delgado discourages his patients with this practice in order for men to have a more normal looking chest; some breast gland is needed for sculpting and to give the chest natural contours.

Dr. Delgado encourages his patients to stop taking dangerous performance enhancing drugs and enjoy a healthy lifestyle.

Performance Enhancing Drugs