The Causes, Myths & How To Get Rid of Man Boobs (Gynecomastia)

The Causes, Myths & How To Get Rid of Man Boobs (Gynecomastia)

Man Boobs: What Are They?

Male breast enlargement is referred to as gynecomastia. Man boobs are caused when a large amount of fat accumulates in the chest, giving the impression that the male has female breasts. Although man boobs are not dangerous to health, they can cause emotional and psychological problems, such as anxiety, self-consciousness, and low self-confidence.


Jack with Man Boobs

The Causes of Man Boobs?

In many cases, man boobs are assumed to be the result of simply gaining too much body weight, but the reality is much more complex. Even healthy and young men can suffer from mobs.

Male gynaecomastia has no roots in diabetes, but insulin resistance is.

Every time you eat carbohydrates, you break them down into sugars by the digestive process. The glucose enters the bloodstream directly. Once insulin is released, it remains in the bloodstream. A cell’s glucose is transported by insulin as fuel to its muscles, liver, and other tissues. It also converts excess glucose to triglycerides, and finally delivers this energy to the fat cells. Alternatively, insulin is responsible for causing fat to be stored in the body.

When elevated blood sugar levels are detected, the pancreas produces and releases insulin. Upon consuming a bagel or dessert, insulin is released into the bloodstream, which allows the sugars to be used as energy for other cells and to generate triglycerides and fats. This process is essential for maintaining normal blood sugar levels.

Processed foods and unhealthy lifestyle habits interfere with this natural process. Most people have far too much glucose in their bloodstream on a daily basis. Sugar causes insulin levels to spike as a result.

You will develop insulin resistance if your eating and lifestyle habits cause your blood insulin levels to spike and flow. As a result, your body does not respond to insulin effectively, and your blood sugar levels rise, forcing your pancreas to pump more insulin into your bloodstream.

The outcome is certain to be unhealthy with these hormone changes.


Dietary Sugar and Man-Boobs

Why Does Insulin Resistance Cause Manboobs?

Among its primary functions in your body is to process the sugar in your bloodstream and to regulate fat metabolism. In the case of excess glucose in your muscles, liver, and other tissues, the remaining sugars are converted to triglycerides by insulin.

The body will cling to excess fat stores, especially fat that results in moobs, as long as the insulin level within your body remains high. By blocking lipolysis, insulin prevents fats from breaking down into ketones. Thus, fat will simply accumulate instead of getting broken down into fuel (in the absence of insulin). As well as blocking fat breakdown, insulin also creates fat.

Insulin resistance contributes to gynaecomastia in an indirect manner but is rarely recognized as a common cause.


Gynecomastia is a condition associated with insulin resistance and genetics as well. You could develop man boobs due to a well-meaning genetic predisposition if you are both overweight and have healthy eating habits. Sometimes, genetic predispositions with man boobs result in significant moobs.


BMI Index for Man-boobs

Myths About Man-Boobs That You Should be Aware of

Thousands of men have been taught to believe the wrong science about gynecomastia because of the internet, which makes spreading misinformation so easy. Specifically, we need to dispel two myths.

Estrogen Blockers Can Get Rid of Manboobs

Often, gynecomastia is attributed to estrogen, but this is not always the case. Gynecomastia is associated with high levels of estrogen in men. Gynecomastia and high estrogen levels may occur concurrently in time and space, indicating a relationship between the two conditions. A simple correlation does not prove a causal link; just because manboobs are correlated with high estrogen does not mean they cause each other.  Man boobs are not caused by estrogen, estrogen blockers can’t remove them.

Estrogen and Manboobs: The Connection

Estrogen is produced by men in two different ways. In the first place, excessive testosterone can result in excessive estrogen production. In addition, fat tissue produces estrogen. Gynecomastia is rare because progesterone prevents fat from building up in a man’s breasts since insulin sensitivity is caused by progesterone. This helps him gain more lean mass and reduce the chances of future breast cancer. Based on this, estrogen is only logically produced from fatty tissues already present in the body.

How does all this relate? Most likely, there is a connection between high estrogen levels in men and insulin resistance and excessive fat mass. Therefore, estrogen blockers would contribute very little to the prevention of man boobs, as estrogen blockers wouldn’t resolve the issue of insulin resistance and excessive fat tissue.

It is predicted that 30% of men will suffer from gynecomastia in the course of their lifetime (also known as “Moobs” or “Man Boobs”). However, the condition is misunderstood. This expert advice can help you take control and learn how to remove man boobs for good if you are one of the millions of men feeling insecure and disappointed by this condition.

Myth: Losing Manboobs Can be Achieved with a Low Estrogen Diet

Given the information presented above, it is reasonable to expect that a diet low in estrogen would be ineffective in eliminating manboobs. Deficiencies in estrogen may benefit other conditions, but eating cruciferous vegetables and avoiding soy will not eliminate gynecomastia. Man boobs can only be reduced by a strategic dietary intervention targeting insulin resistance.


Man Working Out Man-boobs

Manboobs: How To Get Rid Of Them

It is possible to overcome your self-consciousness and embarrassment with regard to your manboobs. Diet and exercise for gynecomastia modifications can address the root cause of man boobs and assist in shaping a chest you can show off on the beach. Here are some tips on how to get rid of manboobs:

Change Your Diet to Reverse Insulin Resistance

Once you have reversed your insulin resistance, you should take steps to reduce your manboobs. No matter how many push-ups you do daily for the rest of your life, you’ll never be able to lose chest fat unless you reverse insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance cannot be reversed overnight. The solution to an ongoing problem must be long-term. Having a balanced blood sugar level and healthy eating habits improve insulin sensitivity.

How effective are creams and pills?

Medications may be prescribed by your physician to correct your hormonal imbalance in the case of gynecomastia. In most cases, gynecomastia will diminish over time without any treatment, but it is important to realize that this is not always the case. Your first step should be to speak to your doctor if you are concerned you have gynecomastia. Your doctor will be able to identify what’s causing it and work out the best treatment option for you.

  • such as avocados
  • Nuts and almonds
  • Leafy greens and broccoli
  • Beans and legumes
  • Tomatoes and avocados
  • The yeast used in brewing
  • Chicken, pork, lamb, beef, and chicken
  • Caffeine
  • Various types of eggs
  • Vinegar of apple cider

The combination of reducing sugar and carb intake while maximizing your body’s response to insulin is a powerful method for reducing insulin resistance.

The testosterone therapy may also be able to help you achieve insulin sensitivity faster. Testosterone optimization increases lean mass and insulin sensitivity by consuming free blood sugar (which consumes free sugar). However, you must work with a medical professional that has experience with testosterone enhancement products.


Guy with Man-boobs Curling dumbells

Plan Your Exercise Regimen

Changing your diet should be accompanied by a targeted fitness plan. Runners not only need to focus on running every week, but they will also need to develop a structured exercise program that will tone your chest and minimize the appearance of gynecomastia.


Doctor consulting about Man Boobs

When All Else Fails, Consider Plastic Surgery

Unless you have inherited the condition, your gynecomastia probably will not respond to natural treatment methods. Plastic surgery could be a real possibility in this situation. Various gynecomastia surgery options are available, but an experienced gynecomastia surgeon is recommended. Gynecomastia is a surgical procedure that removes excess breast fat+, breasts gland tissue, and sculpts your upper body to create the desired appearance. Breast reduction surgery has very high patient satisfaction with the gynecomastia condition.


The last thing you want is to have a man boob problem. Taking the time to understand the causes of gynecomastia and consulting with a compassionate and experienced healthcare provider who understands your goals will help you to achieve a more sculpted and healthy physique. There are non-surgical options of gynecomastia diet, gynecomastia exercise, and chest muscle development.  In order to reduce or eliminate man boobs, certain medications can be prescribed by a physician. In the unlikely event that all else fails, male breast reduction surgery can provide a cure for this condition.  Selecting a gynecomastia specialist with experience is important.


Is it a Serious Health Risk?

In general, gynecomastia will not cause serious problems, but it can be distressing, isolating, and difficult to deal with. It is possible, however, that it may be associated with a more serious medical condition. You should see your physician as soon as possible if you experience any of the following symptoms:

  • Nipples that are swollen, tender, or breast tenderness
  • Nipple discharge
  • Your nipples have changed appearance, for example, if they have become inverted
  • Loss of body hair and lumps in the testicles, among other symptoms in other parts of the body

Should you notice any lumps over your breasts tissue, you should immediately consult your physician because these should be examined as soon as possible. If you are experiencing distress as a result of this condition, you should consult your physician – they can determine the root cause, as well as provide you with the necessary treatment and support.

How Effective are Creams and Pills?

Medications may be prescribed by your physician to correct your hormonal imbalance in the case of gynecomastia. In most cases, gynecomastia will diminish over time without any treatment, but it is important to realize that this is not always the case. Your first step should be to speak to your doctor if you are concerned you have gynecomastia. Your doctor will be able to identify what’s causing it and work out the best treatment option for you.

How Can I Reduce My Chest Fat?

By following a healthy diet and exercising regularly, the majority of people can reduce chest fat and body fat. There are many types of exercise that can be performed, from HIIT to strength training. It is generally best to combine different types of exercise.

It is also possible to have excess body fat due to health conditions. Increases in chest fat can be caused, for instance, by hormonal changes or gynecomastia. These individuals should consult a physician about treatment options to get rid of man boobs.

Busting Common Gynecomastia Myths

Busting Common Gynecomastia Myths

Can only overweight men get man boobs? Is it a sign of breast cancer? I set the record straight on common gynecomastia myth, and separate fact from fiction.


Busting 4 Myths Of Gynecomastia

Man boobs, or gynecomastia, can be a confidence killer. But it’s not the end of the world.

Gynecomastia, or the development of man boobs and excess glandular tissues, can occur when there is a hormonal imbalance or low testosterone levels in men. Being a naturally occurring hormone, testosterone is not only directly responsible for a man’s physical features but also his sex drive and mood.

To help you learn more about gynecomastia – and finally say goodbye to your man boobs – here are some answers you need.

Gynecomastia Myth #1: Only Overweight Men Can Get Gynecomastia

Fact: When there is hormonal imbalance, gynecomastia can strike males of all ages – from infants, adolescents and teens to those aged 50 and older. However, the tenderness and swelling usually recede in a few months to two years, so it’s still possible for some – such as babies and younger males – to forego treatment.

These symptoms are not uncommon during puberty. However, should they persist upon reaching adulthood, gynecomastia surgery is the answer.

Other factors that can increase your chances of experiencing a hormonal change or imbalance, and thus gynecomastia, include medications or drugs, alcohol, ageing and other health conditions.

Gynecomastia Myth #2: Gynecomastia Is A Sign Of Breast Cancer

Fact: There is a risk, but it is rare. If you do feel any lumps or abnormalities, it’s good to go for a check-up. In most cases, gynecomastia will not pose long-term problems or complications. The effects are found to be more psychological due to the change in a man’s appearance.

Gynecomastia Myth #3: I Just Need To Exercise More To Get Rid Of My Man Boobs

Fact: If you’re only dealing with pseudogynecomastia or fat build-up on the chest, there are workouts designed to build muscle and promote loss of fat. A healthy diet and a regular exercise programme that includes cardio and interval training, bench presses and weightlifting may help.

But if you have gynecomastia or excess glandular tissues, these lifestyle changes will not guarantee you losing the man boobs.

Gynecomastia Myth #4: It’s Hard To Treat Gynecomastia

Fact: Gynecomastia is often treatable. Not only does gynecomastia surgery work towards the permanent removal of excess glandular tissues, it also sculpts and defines the chest area with the promise of a short recovery time.

Breaking Down 4 Myths of Gynecomastia (Man Boobs)

Breaking Down 4 Myths of Gynecomastia (Man Boobs)

Man boobs, or gynecomastia, can be a confidence killer. But it’s not the end of the world. Check Busting 4 Myths of Gynecomastia.

Gynecomastia, or the development of man boobs and excess glandular tissues, can occur when there is a hormonal imbalance or low testosterone levels in men,” explains Dr Ivan Puah. “Being a naturally occurring hormone, testosterone is not only directly responsible for a man’s physical features but also his sex drive and mood.” Here are the Busting 4 Myths of Gynecomastia.

Myths of Gynecomastia #1: Only overweight men can get Gynecomastia

Fact: When there is hormonal imbalance, gynecomastia can strike males of all ages – from infants, adolescents and teens to those aged 50 and older. However, the tenderness and swelling usually recede in a few months to two years, so it’s still possible for some – such as babies and younger males – to forego treatment. “These symptoms are not uncommon during puberty. However, should they persist upon reaching adulthood, surgical intervention is the answer,” relates Dr Ivan Puah.

Other factors that can increase your chances of experiencing a hormonal change or imbalance, and thus gynecomastia, include medications or drugs, alcohol, ageing and other health conditions.

Myths of Gynecomastia #2: Gynecomastia is a sign of breast cancer

Fact: There is a risk, but it is rare. If you do feel any lumps or abnormalities, it’s good to see your doctor for a check-up.

In most cases, gynecomastia will not pose long-term problems or complications. The effects are found to be more psychological due to the change in a man’s appearance.

Myths of Gynecomastia #3: I just need to exercise more to get rid of my man boobs

Fact: If you’re only dealing with pseudogynecomastia or fat build-up on the chest, there are workouts designed to build muscle and promote loss of fat. A healthy diet and a regular exercise programme that includes cardio and interval training, bench presses and weightlifting may help.

But if you have gynecomastia or excess glandular tissues, these lifestyle changes will not guarantee you losing the man boobs. You may want to consider gynecomastia surgery.

Myths of Gynecomastia #4: It’s hard to treat gynecomastia

Fact: “Gynecomastia is often treatable,” assures Dr Ivan Puah. Not only does gynecomastia surgery – one of the clinic’s signature treatments – work towards the permanent removal of excess glandular tissues, it also sculpts and defines the chest area with the promise of a short recovery time.

Add in the High Intensity Focus Ultrasound treatment to tighten sagging skin, and you’ll see even more visible improvements and a better-looking physique.

Common Myths Surrounding Gynecomastia (Man Boobs)

Common Myths Surrounding Gynecomastia (Man Boobs)

Gynecomastia is generally understood as enlarged breasts/chest in men or men boobs. Many assume that all overweight men have gynecomastia due to the fat accumulation on the chest.

Just like this assumption, there are many more myths about gynecomastia online. I have scoured the internet to debunk common gynecomastia myths.

Gynecomastia Is Always Caused by Genetics

The most common cause of gynecomastia is physiological hormonal changes during the adolescent period. Other identifiable causes are certain medical illness, medications and obesity.

Gynecomastia Always Needs Surgery

Gynecomastia may not require treatment unless the breast enlargement causes embarrassment or distress to the patient. Certain cases of physiological gynecomastia will resolve without intervention. Surgical resection for adolescent gynecomastia may be withheld for at least one year as many of these cases will spontaneously resolve. Patient and parent reassurance may be sufficient for these cases. Gynecomastia caused by medications or medical condition will often respond to a change in medication or treating the underlying medical condition.

Gynecomastia is Uncommon

Gynecomastia is not uncommon in certain groups such as growing male adolescents and older males

It Is Difficult to Treat Gynecomastia

That’s not true at all. As mentioned earlier, gynecomastia can be due to different causes. For some cases, it could be reversed once the offending causes are removed; for the rest, surgery can provide comprehensive and permanent improvement.

Gynecomastia or Man-Boobs are just fat

“Man-boobs” can be due to either accumulation of breast fat or breast gland enlargement or both. 75-80% of my patients who seek help for treatment have an increase in both fat and gland sizes.

You don’t need surgery, just exercise

If you have gynecomastia due to breast glands enlargement, you cannot reduce them through weight loss or exercise! And here is another bad news for you, it is tough to ‘target’ fat loss around the breasts when you lose weight.

Male breasts can be reduced by using pills & creams

In cases when gynecomastia is caused by medications or medical illness, the condition can be resolved if the offending medication is withdrawn or the medical condition is attended to. DO NOT try pills or creams that can be purchased from the retail market as they will not work and may have harmful side-effects.

Gynecomastia is a sign of breast cancer

No, except in Klinefelter’s syndrome, in which the incidence of breast cancer is 20 to 60 times greater than in men without the condition. Multiple studies have shown no increased incidence of breast cancer in men with gynecomastia. Just one percent of male breast enlargement is caused by malignancy.

Gynecomastia is triggered by Obesity.

Yes, it can be. Gynecomastia is increased in generalised obesity as a result of increased conversion of testosterone to estradiol in fat tissue. In one study, more than 80% of those with a body mass index (BMI) >25 had gynecomastia. Weight gain will also lead to breast fat accumulation, making the “man-boobs” look worse.

Gynecomastia affects both breasts.

Gynecomastia occurs bilaterally(both sides) in approximately 50% to 55% of men.

Gynecomastia surgery is a MAJOR SURGICAL procedure

Gynecomastia surgery involves approaches through ‘key-hole’ incisions around the areolas where the enlarged breast glands are removed. Scars are then minimised and camouflaged around the areolas to improve the appearance during recovery. It can even be done under local anaesthesia for some patients. If there are no complications after the surgery, most patients should be fit to resume 90% of their daily activities after 2 days.

Gynecomastia can relapse in the long run following surgery.

Gynecomastia surgery involves removing almost all of the enlarged gland tissues. It is highly unlikely that the treated breasts will relapse after the treatment.

Gynecomastia impairs sexual vigor later in life:

That’s an interesting myth. But no, that’s not true either.

Eating lots of chicken and eggs can cause gynecomastia

Many of my patients believe in this, as well! The good news is, there is no significant scientific evidence to directly link the intake of any particular food to gynecomastia, so far.

Drinking beer with hops causes gynecomastia.

Unfortunately, there is some truth in this statement. Firstly, chronic alcoholism may lead to liver disorders which may increase the risk of gynecomastia. Secondly, excessive alcohol intake may lead to weight gain. As mentioned earlier, obesity increases the risk of gynecomastia.

Steroids will eliminate gynecomastia: Common Gynecomastia Myths

On the contrary, abuse of anabolic steroids may cause gynecomastia.

Gynecomastia is caused by hormonal imbalance.

As mentioned earlier, gynecomastia can be caused by many factors such as medications, physiologic changes and medical conditions which alter the balance of androgen and estrogen.

Gynecomastia left alone has no harm.

Treatment options vary depending on the cause. Gynecomastia may not require treatment unless the breast enlargement causes embarrassment or distress to the patient. Certain cases of physiological gynecomastia will resolve without intervention.

Gynecomastia Surgery has side effects: Common Gynecomastia Myths

Complications include wound infection, hematoma, and seroma. Other complications that can occur include undercorrection, overcorrection, contour irregularities, and scarring or keloid formation. Overall, there is high patient satisfaction and improvement in self-image for patients undergoing treatment for gynecomastia.

Surgery leaves behind scars/painful.

After surgery, there may be some discomfort on the treated areas which may last for weeks until full recovery. There will be surgical scars resulting from the surgery. They are usually camouflaged at the outer border of the areolas and not visibly noticeable for most.

Increasing the testosterone level, through anabolic steroids, will eliminate gynecomastia.

On the contrary, this will make the condition worse.

Does Soy Really Cause Man Boobs?

Similar answers were provided above, concerning about eating chicken and eggs.

Gynecomastia is filled with Fibroadenoma (benign (non-cancerous) breast tumors)

No. Histologically, gynecomastia results from variable degrees of ductal proliferation and stromal hyperplasia. NOT fibroadenoma.

Meet The Man Boob Mythbuster

Meet The Man Boob Mythbuster

There’s just as much fact as fiction circulating on the web when it comes to what causes man boob, or gynecomastia. I explain what’s true, and what’s not.

While some women fret about having breasts that are too small, some guys worry about having breasts that are too large. Unfortunately, when they look in the mirror, they seem to have less chest and more breast. If you’re unaware, sometimes it’s not about how much (or how little) they’ve been working out, but rather whether or not they have a condition called gynecomastia, colloquially known as man boobs.

Here’s a breakdown of some myths about this you might have read on the internet.

Myth 1: Your beer habit is why you’ve got man boobs

Logically, alcohol contains calories and carbs, so you’d think drinking is why you’re packing man boobs. Ironically though, a review in Current Obesity Reports found drinkers weigh less than teetotallers! Beer connoisseurs who are fans of Indian Pale Ales (IPA) also tend to worry about a condition known to brewers as “Brewer’s Droop”, another name for man boobs. Why? IPAs contain phytoestrogen, a plant-based estrogen hormone- but the fact is the levels in IPAs are too low to cause significant hormonal imbalances.

Myth 2: Chest workouts are the solution to fix gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is caused by hormone imbalance so while exercising is good, it does not resolve the underlying issue at all. As with women, breasts in men are made up of glandular and fatty tissue. Gynecomastia occurs when excess glandular tissue is produced. When an abundance or excess fat is appearing on the chest area, it is known as pseudogynecomastia (fake gynecomastia), and this condition can be treated with liposuction alone.

Myth 3: Gynecomastia is caused by obesity, not male menopause

Contrary to popular misconception, being overweight is not the only cause of gynecomastia. It may be caused by hereditary and ageing as some men experience physical changes as they get older, which can be caused by male menopause or andropause.

The trouble is, too few men understand the condition: according to a survey reported in the South China Morning Post almost 80% of 500 men interviewed aged above 40 had heard about andropause; yet failed on average in answering questions on its treatment and symptoms.

Its link to man boobs? Testosterone production drops during andropause, and the hormonal imbalance could lead to the development of gynecomastia.

Myth 4: Any doctor can perform a gynecomastia surgery

Nope, not every doctor with an M.D can treat your man boobs. Like every medical speciality, it requires a doctor skilled in gynecomastia surgery, and also one about to give you the best advice from years of experience.

You might also have your own vision on what your chest should look like, and it’s utterly important that you do your research on which doctor can help you achieve that.

For personalized information about gynecomastia plastic surgery procedures, please complete Dr. Delgado’s inquiry form.