If you have chosen to undergo male breast reduction surgery to correct enlarged male breasts, it is understandable that you may have questions regarding the procedure. Understanding what to expect after gynecomastia surgery can help to ease anxiety and make you feel more comfortable about the experience.

The goal of this procedure, of course, is to correct gynecomastia, reduce the size of the male breast and to leave a masculine-contoured chest. Removing too much breast tissue may result in a “crater deformity” and may necessitate further surgery. If not enough excess tissue is removed, additional surgery may also be needed. It is important to choose a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who specializes in gynecomastia to ensure you see the best possible results.

What to Expect After Your Male Breast Reduction Procedure

After surgery, you will most likely be wearing a compression garment to help support the new chest contour and avoid complications. You will also have drains in place. After two or three days the drains will be removed. The sutures are usually removed after one week. The compression vest is to be worn 24/7 for six weeks and is only to be removed when showering. Showering is allowed when the drain incisions have completely closed in about two to three days after removal. When the vest is removed, men need to understand what they see is not the final result of their male breast reduction. The incisions around the bottom half of the areola are evident, but when they have healed, they are almost invisible due to the change in skin texture.

The drain incision, which is very small, can leave a visible scar on the side of the chest. However, sensitive to men’s comments about the drain scar, Dr. Miguel Delgado now positions the drain incision high in the armpit area and is well hidden. Viewing the chest at the early healing stage can be very disconcerting for many patients.

Swelling is normal after any cosmetic or plastic surgery procedure and is part of the natural healing process, it can last for several weeks, and some residual swelling can last several months. Swelling occurs to increase blood supply to the surgical area; this is to bring extra nutrients that promote healing. The inflammation also helps fight off infections. However, excess swelling and inflammation need to be watched closely for a possible hematoma, an abnormal collection of blood outside of a blood vessel.

When viewing your surgical results a few days after surgery, do not be alarmed if your chest still looks full. As the swelling subsides, the true contour of the chest will become evident, and the ability to go shirtless will finally be a reality. According to many postings on the website RealSelf.com, it is clear that many men are concerned about their puffy nipples after surgery. This has the potential of becoming a problem if all the swelling has subsided. Usually, if puffy nipples remain, it is an indication that not enough breast tissue was removed from behind the nipple, especially if liposuction alone was performed and there wasn’t any excision of breast tissue. This can be corrected but entails another surgery. Choose your gynecomastia surgeon carefully!

After Gynecomastia Surgery

Schedule a Consultation

If you are interested in learning more about gynecomastia surgery in San Francisco, please contact Dr. Delgado’s office today. Your first step will be to schedule a one on one consultation to determine the best plan of action for you to achieve the desired result.

Gynecomastia San Francisco FAQs

What can I expect during my initial consultation?

During your consultation appointment with Dr. Delgado, you will discuss your medical history and any current medical conditions, and a physical exam may be performed. He will then speak with you regarding which surgical procedure is right for you to achieve optimal results.

What causes gynecomastia in males?

There are an array of possible causes of gynecomastia. The most common cause is a hormonal imbalance between estrogen and testosterone. However, anabolic steroids and certain medications can also cause excess breast tissue and glandular tissue in males.

What is false gynecomastia?

False gynecomastia, also called pseudo gynecomastia, is a term used to describe enlarged breasts in males due to weight gain. This condition can commonly be corrected with weight loss from a healthy diet and exercise.

Dr. Delgado Bio


Dr. Delgado, MD is a world-recognized plastic surgeon and specialist in the treatment of male breast enlargement, also called gynecomastia. He has developed new techniques and owns and operates gynecomastia.psstage.com, which has become the largest gynecomastia forum in the world. Dr. Delgado holds the two most coveted credentials; the certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and membership in the American Society of Plastic Surgery.