Dr. Delgado: I am going to kind of talk to you about what I see and what I think. So you’re pretty built you’re pretty good shape.
John: Thanks
Dr. Delgado: You’ve got a really good peck you know very very very broad peck and you have this fullness here is this what you don’t like?
John: Yeah and this one’s a little bigger than this one.
Dr. Delgado: Uh-huh it goes all the way out there. You know, you know, you’ve got really good, good quality skin which as we talked about is really important so yours will really contract back very nicely. The other thing that occurs is at the nipple-areolar complex which of this will tend to shrink some and so it’s hard to know exactly how much it will shrink but it will shrink. But you have, you have a nice you know flattening here you’ll have a nice cut in through here and this will be all gone and this will just be flattened down I think I mean you’re a perfect case.
John: Yeah.
Dr. Delgado: This looks really good the incision would be right around here and the drain will come out up here oh and the armpit.
John: Gotcha.
Dr. Delgado: So it is a little bit uncomfortable early on but I think is it’s really ideal as I explained earlier. This is a compression garment that’s worn this is a secondary one here and I’ll show you the primary one after surgery but this is to give a really good compression and it’s really just about right here.
John: Oh nice.
Dr. Delgado: Once you’ve done that okay this is the one that will be at this surgery.
John: Okay so should this one I put on be as tight as I can?
Dr. Delgado: Not really it should be snug tight can cause the skin to die so…
John: Oh okay.
Dr. Delgado: We don’t want it too snug.
John: These aren’t as bad as I thought they’re gonna be.
Dr. Delgado: Well they’re not great, I mean nothing’s really great with these things, this is the one you’ll go home with. What if there’s a drain pocket – so the drains go right in here.
John: Oh gotcha.
Nurse: When you’re having surgery like the one you’re having we don’t want that much fluid accumulation. We want the tissue to be able to clamp down quickly so this is used to help pull out that excess fluid that we don’t need so that your tissues can clamp down and heal a little bit faster. You probably won’t really feel these they probably won’t be very uncomfortable for you. Dr. Delgado will be putting a lot he’ll infiltrate a lot of local anesthesia after you’re asleep he’ll be injecting a lot of medication in here so when you wake up you might not feel it all the way at first and it will come back kind of like when you go to the dentist and they numb your mouth you know and that comes back it’s a little tingly. Sometimes little sharp pains same things going to happen here, again on a larger scale because it’s a larger area but that’s just how it will feel when it comes back so taking care of the drains. And we will show you this in recovery as well this will be in here and I always tell people will show whoever’s going to take care of you to hold it up into the axial area and pull down from here and then they will meet their fingers and pull all the way down like this and they will open the plug here and measure dump this into little measuring cups to measure you will be keeping track of how much is coming out every four to six hours or so. Every it could be three to six hours you’ll be writing down date-time amount and color this will change in color as well I’ll talk about that in a minute you can expect about twenty-five to fifty CCS each time you empty it. You’ll see it changing color so it’s usually kind of a darker red color and then it goes into a lighter color and then almost it can even go clear depending sometimes it will go to clear and then go back to a darker color that doesn’t mean that you have new bleeding necessarily it just it’s just your body working through all the fluid that’s in there and as you start moving around more when you move you have muscles under there and if your start moving your arms you’re going to have a little more fluid coming up. And then after you dump this out and write it you remember to write it down you squeeze the bulb nice and tight and put the plug back in and that will help that will act as a vacuum pouring fluid down.
Dr. Gaynor: John? Yeah like again we spoke last night right you have passed a reduction surgery no other operations in your life now okay and you don’t take mention last night you don’t take any medications on a regular basis; no allergy; no medicines. Stick out your tongue and say ah.
John: ah yeah ah
Dr. Gaynor: okay we’ll
John: get ah ah
Dr. Gaynor: Alright lose your teeth you tame loose chip caps. Yep sit up for me and move your hands from side to side like this look back four and four touch your chin your chest; good again one more, lie back, good. Everything sounds fine your lab tests look good next I’m going to put an IV in the back of your hand here I’m going to use your left hand. I think we’re done I said what’s in it, okay, deal, and that’s the worst! I’m going to do all the medicines will go through this so you don’t have to worry about anything else the nurse will be back and we will go through call a timeout we’re just going to ask you one last time your name what procedure we’re going to make sure we’re on the same page and I will when that is done I’ll come back and I’ll give you a little medicine through this so all your shots with this I’ll give you some medicine through this which will make it a little woosy. We’ll walk you to the bathroom on the way to the operating room we let allow you to kind of empty your bladder one last time. Yeah, all right, yeah okay, we’re doing fine then we’ll what I gave you the medicine to be do better all right then walking into the operating room lie on the table and put monitors on a pressure cuff on your arm EKG pads on your back that will probe on your fingertip. And I’ll give you some medicine through this which will make go to asleep; when you’re asleep we’ll put a breathing tube in the back your mouth won’t go back because you obviously but after the operation sometimes people have a little bit of a sore throat we do okay if you do what you want a day or two shouldn’t be a long-lasting thing. I tell everybody there are risks with surgery and risks with anesthesia I’ll be with you all time take care thank you that’s my question for me and all dressed in equal taking all right all right you.