With offices located in San Francisco and Novato, CA, Dr. Delgado has become one of the most recognized names for gynecomastia surgery in the San Francisco region as well as throughout the country. Gynecomastia.org is the most popular website for gynecomastia, providing credible resources, treatment options, and information about this common medical condition.

Our team knows first-hand how difficult it can be to live as a man with excess breast tissue, no matter what your age; you may be subjected to bullying, name-calling, and feelings of isolation or anxiety. We are here to rebuild your confidence and help you reengage in social activities without feeling insecure or non-masculine.

To schedule a consultation or learn more about gynecomastia, including its causes and symptoms, browse Gynecomastia.org. As a board-certified surgeon treating gynecomastia for more than 30 years, Dr. Delgado is committed to providing you the best information and care when it comes to male breast reduction surgery or other plastic surgeries in San Francisco.

Gynecomastia Treatment

Gynecomastia is a condition that causes men to grow unwanted breast tissue, creating the appearance of “man boobs.” This can severely damage the confidence level of developing teenage boys and men who have worked hard to maintain a fit physique, so it is important to treat this condition before it worsens.

In most cases, Dr. Delgado recommends a surgical male breast reduction procedure over more minimally invasive techniques. This is especially true when considering excess glandular tissue that might be present, which can only be removed through surgical excision. Fatty tissue and excess skin can also be removed during this time for the most comprehensive results the first time.


To prepare for your unique gynecomastia procedure, you will first consult with Dr. Delgado to determine which treatment plan is best for you. Prior to surgery, he may ask you to get a routine medical evaluation in case there are any underlying medical conditions that may impact your surgical outcome. You should stop smoking and avoid aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs since all of these factors can negatively affect the healing process.


5 Star Reviews

Dr. Delgado has received a lot of patient reviews across multiple websites within his years of experience. You can read his reviews on our website here.

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Miguel A. Delgado, MD, FACS

Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Miguel Delgado M.D is a renowned gynecomastia specialist and the authority figure behind Gynecomastia.org, the leading online gynecomastia forum. Established in 1986, the forum has provided gynecomastia information and resources for over 30 years.

What to Expect During Male Breast Reduction

Depending on the severity of your gynecomastia symptoms, Dr. Delgado will offer you a variety of treatment options. The standard treatment combines liposuction with the surgical removal of excess glandular breast tissue until the breast has achieved a more masculine contour. Another technique is called the “pull-through” technique, which involves a small incision to carefully pull breast tissue from the breast pocket.

More severe cases may require multiple procedures or a nipple graft to improve the appearance of puffy nipples, a common symptom of excess fat directly beneath the nipples.

For most of these procedures, you will be placed under light anesthetic sedation and carefully monitored by Dr. Delgado and his team.

Aftercare and Results

After your procedure, bandages, dressing, and possibly drainage tubes, will be placed on your incisions. A support garment or compression band may also be used to minimize swelling and keep the newly contoured male breast tissue in place. The initial healing of incisions will take a week or two and you will completely heal in 3-6 months. The gynecomastia treatment is permanent, and your scars will gradually fade to reveal your newly sculpted male chest that you can feel confident of.

About San Francisco, CA

Located on the sunny West coast of the United States, San Francisco is one of the most popular cities in California. It hosts the Golden Gate Bridge and the family home of the popular sitcom Full House. San Francisco also has many prestigious colleges and places to travel, including Chinatown and Alcatraz Island.

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