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Pubmed – On The Connection Between Gynecomastia Removal Type & Chance of Recurrence

A pubmed study has been released showing the difference in recurrences depending on the removal procedure used. Check it out here.


Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Breast. Little, Brown, and Co. 1976. 305-327. Author : Robert M. Goldwyn.

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of the Breast. Ed. by R. Barrett Noone. Pub by B. C. Decker 1991. p. 98-116.

Journal Articles

Wassersug, Oliffe: The Social Context for Psychological Distress from Iatrogenic Gynecomastia with Suggestions for Its Management. Journal of Sexual Medicine. Oct 2009, vol 6(4). p. 989-1000.

Singer-Granick, Granick: Gynecomastia What the Surgeon Needs to Know, ePlasty, Vol 9.

Botta: Alternatives for the Surgical Correction of Severe Gynecomastia. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Jan/Feb 1998. p. 65-7.

Neuman: Evaluation and Treatment of Gynecomastia. American Family Physician. April 1997. p. 1835-1847.

Samdal, Kleppe, Amland, + Abyholm: Surgical Treatment of Gynecomastia: Five Years’ Experience with Liposuction. Scandanavian Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Hand Surgery. June 1994, p. 123-30.

Brenner, Berger, Schneider, Axmann: Male Reduction Mammoplasty in Serious Gynecomastias. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Fall 1992. p. 325-30.

Kornstein, Cinelli: Inferior Pedicle Reduction Technique for Larger Forms of Gynecomastia. Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. Fall 1992. p.331-5.

Ward, Khalid: Surgical Treatment of Grade III Gynaecomastia. Annals of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. July 1989. p. 226-8.

Courtiss: Gynecomastia: Analysis of 159 Patients and Current Recommendations for Treatment. Plastic Reconstructive Surgery, 1987, (vol?) 79. p. 740-50.

Huang, Hidalgo, + Lewis: A Circumareolar Approach in Surgical Management of Gynecomastia. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. January 1982. p. 35-40.

Simon, Hoffman, + Kahn: Classification and Surgical Correction of Gynecomastia. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. January 1973. p. 48-52.