Frequently Asked Questions
Discovering you have excess breast tissue growth as a man can be embarrassing and confusing, especially when it occurs during puberty, an already stressful time of life. Fortunately, Dr. Delgado is here to answer your questions as you learn more about this condition and your options for treating it.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you know if I have gynecomastia or just fat?
Gynecomastia can sometimes be felt through a physical examination. When lying down and raising your arms above your head, you may be able to feel a small, firm disc of breast tissue underneath the areola. If this is not present, then the enlarged breast may simply be caused by fat.
Will gynecomastia go away with weight loss?
Gynecomastia caused by excess fat (or pseudogynecomastia) can sometimes go away with weight loss. If it’s the result of prior weight loss or you’re already at a healthy weight, then liposuction is often the best option. However, excess glandular tissue cannot be removed through liposuction or weight loss alone in most cases.
Does Gyno mean low testosterone?
Gynecomastia does not always mean low testosterone levels – it can sometimes be caused by the presence of fat (more accurately called pseudogynecomastia). Sometimes, it can also have no detectable cause.
What happens if gynecomastia is not treated?
In most cases, gynecomastia doesn’t need medical treatment and is simply a cosmetic concern. Many men opt to treat gynecomastia with male breast reduction surgery because of the negative emotional impacts it can cause, however.
How common is gynecomastia in adults?
Some estimates say that as many as 70 percent of men over 50 have some degree of gynecomastia. According to these same estimates, it’s only slightly less common in adolescent men.
What causes adult gynecomastia?
Adult gynecomastia is most often caused by hormone imbalance – more specifically, lower levels of testosterone and higher levels of estrogen. Hormone imbalances can sometimes be related to certain medications or drugs, or even underlying medical conditions. Adult gynecomastia can also be the result of adolescent gynecomastia that persisted over the years.
How do adults get rid of gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia in adults can have a variety of causes and treatment options. For example, switching medications or ceasing drug use can sometimes get rid of gynecomastia. In other cases, gynecomastia surgery is the most effective way to get rid of gynecomastia.